Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Happy Hearts Day!

Manila, February 2008. This Valentine’s, love is not just in the air, it’s online. To celebrate the season, Auction.ph activates a page for personal ad postings. The online event is entitled “Love Match” and the event is open to all Auction.ph members. All they have to do to join the promo is visit the website, www.auction.ph, and click on the Love Match event banner on the homepage. They can then upload their photos, their profiles and a description of their ideal match.
Aside from the plausibility of finding a match, thrill seekers can also find good fortune as they get a chance to win e-money from Auction.ph. Promo participants are automatically eligible to be voted as the Most Popular Auction.ph Members. One male and one female get a chance to win the title and Php2,000.00 worth of e-money. Non-winners get a chance to win ten (10) consolation prizes worth Php500.00 each which will be raffled off electronically.

Love Match is live online until 17 February. The end of the voting period is on 17 February at 12.00 mn and the Most Popular Auction.ph Members will be revealed on 20 February. For more details on Love Match, visit www.auction.ph.

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